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Increasing Cycling Comfort

"It's Uncomfortable" is perhaps one of the biggest reasons people use for not cycling. But it doesn't have to be. Discomfort is predominantly the result of unsuitable equipment and clothing, all of which is easily remedied.

Within this area of our site, we'll explore the various options that many people employ to increase their own comfort.

Get a bike the right size...

is the first step to having a comfortable cycling experience.
All too often people buy the wrong size bike, either because it was too good a bargain to turn down, or they were mis-sold, or they didn't accept professional advice. Whatever the reason, buying a bike which is too big or too small will make cycling very uncomfortable.
More info about correct bike sizing please...

Suspension Forks and Frames...

strike many people as something they can use to increase their comfort levels. But is it a correct choice? Here we'll explore the ideas behind using suspension frames and forks to increase discomfort whilst cycling.
More info about suspension forks and frames please...

Suspension Seat Pillars...

are an increasingly common add-on to bikes and many off the peg bikes come with them as standard. What is a suspension seat pillar and what does it do?
More info about suspension seat pillars please...

The Saddle...

is the primary interface between your body and your bike, therefore it is perhaps one area where huge comfort can be obtained or discomfort introduced. Which saddle is the right choice for you?
More info about bike saddles please...

Other options...

There are plenty of Other Options that can increase comfort levels. Here we'll introduce the options which will have the highest impact.
More info about other cycling comfort options please...
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