Trials and Dirtjump Bikes

General Description...
Mountain bikes in essence, but modified for specific tasks;
26" Wheels with wide tyres, small frame size to allow for easy and fast turning, long travel suspension forks. Likely to only be running 7,8 or 9 gears, the chain being captivated onto the front chainring so it cannot come off...
Might be referred to as "urban" or "street" bikes depending upon which marketing genius was working on the advertising that week!

26" Wheels with wide tyres, small frame size to allow for easy and fast turning, long travel suspension forks. Likely to only be running 7,8 or 9 gears, the chain being captivated onto the front chainring so it cannot come off...
Might be referred to as "urban" or "street" bikes depending upon which marketing genius was working on the advertising that week!
26" Wheels with wide tyres and rims, small frame size to allow for manoeuvrability, rigid forks. Likely to only be running 7,8 or 9 gears, the chain being captivated onto the front chainring so it cannot come off and also with some form of guard to prevent damage to the chainring. Gear ratios generally tend to be extremely low, since trials is about negotiating fixed solid obstacles, rocks, logs etc. Pure BikeTrials bikes tend to be 20" wheeled (see image below), but many riders use 26" wheel bikes which have been made up from standard mountain bike parts with a few trials specific components to finish them off.

Both Dirtjump and Trials are specialist disciplines that require specialist equipment. These bikes are designed for their specific discipline.
Unsuitable for everyday riding due to small frame size and restricted choice of gears. The steering on these bikes is often too "twitchy" for ordinary tarmac riding. These a specialist bikes made for specialist riding.
Expect to Pay...
Prices start at around £250.
Image Copyrights
Images depict bikes manufactured by Onza and Kona.Specialist Off Road bikes are available from a number of other manufacturers and use of Koxx and Kona bicycle images is in no way an endorsement of their product for this purpose.
Permission for use of the images has been sought from Onza and Kona (Paligap) and copyright over these images remains with the respective supplier.